SBI exam (State bank of India) conducted a clerk level in many cities all over India. The level of exam from the previous day that is from 22nd June 2019 was a little moderate. This year SBI has not made big changes in their exam pattern. But last shift exam was a little tougher if we compare it with other shifts of the exam.
Wrong number series, two DI, puzzles, Antonym are some of the questions that were asked on Sunday exam and was mostly missing on 22nd exam
Exams held on 23 June
Shift 1
Subject Good Attempt
English Language 18-22
Reasoning Ability 29-30
Numerical Ability 23-25
Total 70-77
Exam was moderate
In maths section two DI in question papers
In LR section puzzle were there particularly based on days, circular seating arrangement and square seating arrangement with some person facing inside and some outside
Shift 2
Subject Good Attempt
English Language 21-25
Reasoning Ability 28-30
Numerical Ability 24-27
Total 73-82
In this shift, only one Di asked which was tabular DI. Level of the quant section was a bit moderate
In LR section Month Based Puzzle, Circular Seating Arrangement, Linear Seating Arrangement Moreover Puzzles & Seating Arrangement
Shift 3
Subject Good Attempt
English Language 21-23
Reasoning Ability 27-28
Numerical Ability 22-23
Total 70-74
In maths 10 simplification question, 10 arithmetic, 5 wrong number series.
In English one comprehensive passage based on stress management
Error detection( seven question) LR was moderate
Shift 4
Subject Good Attempt
English Language 20-23
Reasoning Ability 27-29
Numerical Ability 22-27
Total 69-79
Missing number series, one DI in maths
Comprehensive passage on waste management, Single fillers, spelling error in English section
Students found reasoning section scoring and attempted well in this section.
5 coding-decoding, 4 syllogisms, 3 direction questions were very easy
Expected cut-off 70